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What We Design

At Oak Tree, we turn your dreams into reality with our versatile web development services. Our approach is unique and simple, while remaining incredibly powerful. In a world of dynamic sites that are large, bloated, and database driven, Oak Tree focuses on creating beautiful, lean, and fast static sites for our clients.

Static sites are not database driven, so no time is spent querying objects in a table, which in turn translates to faster and more reliable performance. This excerpt from Cloudflare expands upon the differences between static and dynamic sites:

In the early days of the Internet, websites were stored as static HTML sites, with all webpages laid out and hard coded in advance. Content management systems (CMS) emerged as a way for developers to avoid all that manual setup. Instead of coding the pages ahead of time, content is stored in a CMS database, and when a user requests a page, the server does the following:

  • Queries the database for the right content
  • Identifies the template the content will fit into
  • Generates the page
  • Serves it to the user

A static site generator is a compromise between these two approaches. Like a CMS, it allows developers to use templates and automatically generates webpages — but it does the latter ahead of time, instead of in response to a user’s request. This makes for faster website performance, because the webpages are instantly ready for delivery to end users. It also offers greater customization to developers, since they are not limited by the database fields offered by the CMS.

Oak Tree utilizes two of the more popular static site generators: next.js and Hugo. No more attempting to load your site and seeing missing images and files. With static site, those elements are part of the site not something loaded after the fact.

Additionally, we craft tailored SEO strategies to boost your online presence. With extensive expertise in Google Search Console, we deliver proven results. Our strategies encompass keyword optimization, precise sitemaps, and Robots.txt files, ensuring smooth crawling by Google’s bots. Take a look our portfolio to see some of our work!